The Importance of Human Resource Management for Cannabis Businesses

The Importance of Human Resource Management for Cannabis Businesses

More states across the United States have legalized cannabis for recreational use and its business. About 34 US States and over 40 countries globally are now supporting the legalization or decriminalization policies of cannabis. It is just a matter of time before cannabis becomes a globally-traded agricultural commodity. If this trajectory is anything to go, […]

Workplace Dating: How a Sexual Harassment Policy Can Mitigate Risks

Workplace Dating: How a Sexual Harassment Policy Can Mitigate Risks

Read Time: 5 mins. Let’s face it, workplace dating and relationships happen all the time. If you think about how much time we spend at work with our co-workers, it’s not all that surprising. A study conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management  (SHRM) revealed that one in three workers have been involved in […]

Correcting Employees’ Bad Habits

Correcting Employees’ Bad Habits

READ TIME: 2.5 MINS Many years ago, I shared an office with a co-worker who chewed her gum voraciously. She snapped and popped it loudly all day long while I sat nearby gritting my teeth. Finally, I asked her if she could chew more quietly. She laughed and said, “People tell me all the time […]

Communicating a Cannabis Substance Use Work Policy

Communicating a Cannabis Substance Use Work Policy

Coming to a state near you: Cannabis legalization. The cultivation, possession, and recreational use of cannabis in person’s age 21 and above has already become legal in 10 U.S. states and Washington D.C. 33 additional states and the U.S. territories of Guam and Puerto Rico also allow cannabis and CBD oil products for medicinal purposes. […]